Wozniak: “we can just sort of secretly call anything terrorism to do anything we want”

Schon am 12. Juni wurde dieses Interview mit Steve Wozniak veröffentlicht. Offenbar hatten Blogger [ES] ihn spontan in der Wartehalle des Flughafens von Ciudad de México getroffen.

Im Interview geht es zunächst um iOS, dann kommt aber bald das Thema PRISM auf und Woz schwelgt in Erinnerungen, was für ihn in seiner Kindheit die Ideale der Vereinigten Staaten ausmachte. Ich weiß, einiges davon ist naiv. Trotzdem kann ich mich in seinen enttäuschten Idealen an vielen Stellen wiederfinden.
Ich habe euch einen Teil des meiner Meinung nach ganz interessantesten Interviews zum besseren Verständnis (und für die Textsuche) unten transkribiert.

(ab ca. 0:49min):

I was brought up, for example, my dad taught me that other countries when they got prisoners in a war, they tortured but we Americans didn’t torture we gave them good food and clothing and everything. And I was so proud of my country, you know.
And now I find out it’s just the opposite, you know. And I just wish all these things that thought up the constitution that made us so good as people, they’re kind of nothing, they all dissolve with the patriot act, you know.
And there’s just all these laws that say we can just sort of secretly call anything terrorism to do anything we want, without… All these rights of courts to get in and say you’re doing the wrong thing.
There’s not even a free open court anymore. And you read the constitution, I don’t know how… all this stuff that happened, it’s so clear what the constitution says… extremely clear in the bill of rights. One thing after another, after another that’s just… got overturned.
And that’s what a king does. A king just goes out, has anyone rounded up, killed, put to secret prisons.
When I was brought up I was taught that communist Russia was the ones that were gonna kill us and bomb our country and all this stuff. And communist Russia was so bad because they followed their people, they sneaked on them, they arrested them, they put them in secret prisons, they disappeared them. These kind of things were part of Russia. You know we’re getting more and more like that. You know.
And you could own anything while nowadays in the digital world you can hardly own anything anymore. It’s just kinda subscriptions, you’ve already said „OK“, „OK“, „OK“, and you’ve agreed that any right in the world belongs to them and you got no rights and anything you put on the cloud, you don’t even know. You don’t own it. They have…, you’ve signed away all the rights to it. If it disappears, if they decide to deliberately… They don’t like you and cut off, you’ve lost all your photographs of your life or something, you don’t own it…

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